
It is currently 1:30 in the morning.
And I cannot sleep.
So what do I do?
Of course.
This could get out of hand.

I would like to direct your attention to the picture below.This is Lucas. I do not know if this is the one on my street.
But it is a Lucas. A hamburger place where you can get wicked cheap burgers. I think the most expensive thing on the menu is 55 pesos.
Which is about 2 American dollars.
And it's freaking good.

Needless to say many of my friends and I frequent this stand and stands like it all over Montevideo.
However, there is a small dilemma.

The people that work there think that I am on crack.

Beats me.

When you order a hamburger it can come with a bunch of things. You can get a hamburg comun, which is just mayo, ketchup, and mustard, or you can get a hamburg completa with cebollas, fritas, acietunas, morron, tomate, mayonesa, y algo asi.

However, when I order, I want neither of those. I would simply like some cheese, lettuce, ketchup, and corn. I know, it's lame, and I know it is not incorporating the culture and everything, but I just don't like those peppers. I am sorry.

On Sunday I asked Ema if I could order anything I wanted on my hamburger. And he told me I could. So, I figure I can just tell them what I want, and they'll just put in on there. Uruguayans are nice people, right? No big, they'll just put the stuff between the bun and I'll give 'em their dollar and a half, and it's a win win situation.

Oh, if only it were that simple.

I went there tonight on my way back from the park and I asked for the stuff on my burger, and the girl was giving me all sorts of dirty looks. Why? Who knows?! Not me. I was speaking Spanish, normal Spanish, not the kind where people think they know how to speak and yell out the words they want to say. Not like YO QUIERO UN HAMBURGUESA CON LECHUGA Y KAYYYYSOOOOO.

No. None of that.
I simply asked for lechuga, maiz, queso, and ketchup.
And this chick looked at me like I asked her to grill a kitten. She kept looking back at the other worker and asking if what I wanted was ok. Why wouldn't it be ok? You still get your 2 dollars, foolish!

Really. How hard is it to put those things in a hamburger.
I was nice about it. I didn't demand me some corn.
I even asked if it was ok.

But all I recieved was looks of disgust. And a hamburger that was not made with love. But with disdain.

Whatever. It was still good. Cheese, lettuce, ketchup, and corn are a dynamic combo.

Take that, angry grill girl.


  1. I'm surprised about the skank eye; are you positive it was about your order? My favorite line = "And a hamburger that was not made with love." A wise women once told me to only eat food made with love. You might want to be careful before asking for something "outrageous and abnormal" before they possibly contaminate another scandalous burger. This was funny though. Or you should see what absurd concoctions you can make!

  2. um actually 55 pesos is about 3 american dollars but good stuff
