Can I just say that I hate that the internet is in Spanish here. I mean, now that I think about it, I'm in a Spanish speaking country, what else would I expect? Stupid ethnocentric moment. But still. It's frustrating.
I'm almost done with Dead Aid. Thank goodness. I probably won't remember a lot of what I read because I am not fantastically well versed in economics, but at least I am not an ignoramus anymore and now know that we can't just be throwing money at Africa all the time. Bad plan. When I finish this stupid book I plan to forge through The Grapes of Wrath, as it is a poignant memoir of my ancestors. Not the actual people in the book, but the Dust Bowl/Depression is how my family ended up in California. And that is the reason I am not a "southerner". But I sort of consider myself one. Don't you judge me.
Another thing I must say is that my schedule rules. Sort of. On Monday and Wednesday I have nothing to do until 3. Friday, I'm done at 10.
Win. Sauce.
Tuesdays and Thursdays are rather hellish, to be honest. 9:30-11:00; 11:00-12:30, and starting next week, 2:00-4:00.
Fail sauce.
I think that some of the classes will get easier as I get more comfortable and proficient with Spanish. But starting off, they are rather brutal. I will not lie to you. Plus it's hard because it is hotter than Hades and I'm sweating/dying most of the time. Whatever. I'll get used to it. My classes are really good and I think I'll enjoy them more once I get in the swing of things.
I titled this blog comfort because for the first time since I've been here, that adjective popped into my head. I was comfortable. Comfortable with my room, comfortable via temperature, comfortable via knowing my way (sorta) around the city, and finally, an element of comfort with the people that I'm with. I've never disliked them, but last night, even though as I was studying and people were watching movies or skyping or whatever, it finally felt right. Like, it felt ok.
Now I don't know if that is because I have not been extremely involved with the people here or because we are truly starting to bond. Because I feel as though I am a bit of a loner here, by my own choice, not because people don't like me. And I don't know if it's a good thing that I am, or if I need to up the anty on the involvement scale. I would like to know so that I can get the most out of this adventure, and not miss out on any knowledge or anything from anyone. I would like to be able to tell that more definitively and take action to change something, if it needs to be fixed.
I was wondering about this because I feel way calmer here. Maybe it's Uruguay, maybe it's because it's just super mellow, or maybe it's because I'm not with people. And I can't figure it out. I don't want to act like I'm on sugar pills all the time, but I feel like I'm too mellow. And it sort of weirds me out. But I feel like it's necessary. I'm not as nuts because I don't have my car and my phone and tons of people and those friggin cowboys distracting me. I'm actually able to think things through and identify why I'm feeling a certain way or whatever. And I wonder if that will change if I throw myself into getting to know the people I'm here with. I feel like when I say that I make myself look like I sit in a corner with a book all the time, but that's not the case. I guess just incorporating myself into the group more; I wonder if I did that how it would affect me. The times I am, I don't act ridiculous (in my opinion), so maybe it won't change. This was a confusing topic. This probably doesn't make sense. It made more sense when I was thinking about it last night.
Maybe I'm too calm. Because I'm never like this and it's weirding me out. Whatever. I'm not gonna freak out. It is just noted. In my brain. Brain note.
I don't know what else to post about. Clarity has been on my mind a lot, which is what I guess I was trying to convey in that previous paragraph. Which is ironic, because that doesn't make any sense. At least to me.
We are going to the hill that is famous here on a bus tour later on. I'm pretty excited. Because it's a bust tour. Which means I don't have to walk for an abhorrent amount of miles, but I still get to see the city. I consider that a definite win.
Well I have some reading to do.
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