Let's see...what did I do today. Let me bore the readers with all of the lame and uninteresting things that I do.
I am literally sitting here, keys poised to pound, and nothing is coming to me. Nothing at all.
Oh, yes. I took in my laundry. Sure glad I did that. I have no clean clothes because it is hotter than the depths of hell at all times. Not only is it hot, but the levels of humidity fluctuate randomly, so we can't just count on one kind of specific heat, it varies. Sort of. It's always friggin hot. Always. I wish Uruguay would pull a Texas and just go crazy and have it snow or something. There is no air conditioning anywhere except in America Latina, and I d0n't want to walk all the way over there every time I want to be happy. I must endure the heat, like some sort of tourist martyr.
I remember the cool thing that we did! We had a tango workshop, and it was fantastic. I feel like the tango makes my soul come alive, and that is super weird, but I feel like it does. I wish I was better at it because I think that is all that I would do. Just go around the world tango-ing and sipping cortado and conversing with the porteños about the good ol' days. But really. I love tango. 3 days until Buenos Aires and our tango performance! I am so so so pumped. We got our itenerary and we are going to be very busy abejas, but it's ok. I am readyyy for some Argentina.
I feel like I am about to go on a cortado odyssey. Every place we have gone to eat I order a cortado. Why? I have no clue. But I love them a lot. Even though they are a hot coffee drink, they are flipping delicious. However, at each place I have ordered them, they are different. Once place has it in a small clear glass, the other in a small not clear glass, and then the other one in a straight up mug. So they are all different. So I decided that I am going to take pictures of them in order to show their differences, but how they are all awesome together, like a coffee sunset. Be ready for some cortado on facebook. Speaking of which, I have a picture of a cortado with me riiiight now...
Ahhh yes. What a thing of beauty it is.
I must say that if Facebook had a fanpage for public transportation, I would like it about 8 billion times. I LOVE public transportation. I think it is wonderful. I am rather a beast at it. Granted, I only take one bus. But still. I do not fear. I bus around the city like it is my job. I am rather mad that they have increased the bus fare one peso, but I think I will deal. Maybe. I bussed around the city, and on one bus their was a singing man. A lot of the time on buses people play a song and sing and then at the end everyone claps and gives them change. A lot of the time the people aren't actually horrible, and I managed to get this one guy on camera, with my super stealth (or creepy, you decide) tactics, singing. It's pretty cool. So here he is. His name is Juan. At least in my blog his name is Juan. P.s. Please ignore my hair for part of it.
Te amo, Uruguay.
P.p.s. I bought a termo and yerba today. And so it begins.
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