
Really Right Now.

I have a confession.

I wish I smoked.

I really, really do.

Thankfully, I was granted a modicum of common sense and will never ever proceed to inhale death, but there is something I really, really like about it. I can't explain what I think is so alluring about it but sadly, it's something that I could see myself doing. It just seems mysterious and contemplative, brooding and something that could take up my time. I think it would detract from my extreme ADD tendencies so that I could focus and actually be a productive human being.

I wonder if we still had no idea of the health risks of smoking if more people would do it. The only reason, it seems like now, is utterly appalling, is because of all of the damage it causes in someone's respiratory system. If no one knew that I totally would be smoking. Because I wouldn't know. And neither would anyone else.

I can see myself smoking. In the sexy way. Not the gross crackhead/chainsmoker way.

Really. Why do I talk?

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